We’ve decided to rebrand so that we can offer more than just LeChe Flan. We have decided to add additional “Ube” offerings. By 09/01/2021 you will be able to get our premier UbeFlan — half Ube half LeChe Flan. We are more than excited to be able to provide more exceptional cuisines at low costs to the people of Baguio.

We would also like to take this time to announce our plan to expand past Baguio into additional cities in the Philippines. The accepteance and welcome we’ve had since opening just one week ago has given us this amazing opportunity to supply other cities with our amazing products. We hope you are as excited as we are!!!!

Because of our expansion, we are actively looking for new hires in the cities of San Angeles, Cebu, Manila, as well as many other locations. Please send your resume as well as information about yourself (we’d like to get to know you!) to jobs@ubeleche.com.

We’re Hiring!

Apply by sending an email to jobs@ubeleche.com

Please include your past work experience, availability, computer literacy, and english literacy.